Program I: The Oxford Style Tutorial


Program I: The Oxford Style Tutorial

CA$220.00 every month

This program is designed for Canadian immigrants, international students and native speakers who are already living in Canada. This program includes Basic Writing; Grade 11 Reading and Writing; and High School Grade 12 Examination Workshops.

Classes are limited to 5 students.

Basic Writing Workshop

Fall: September to June (10 months)

  • Grades: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

  • Instructor: Kim Gaines-Baran B.A., MA. (SFU) ~ PhD Exam (UBC)

  • Workshop Schedule: One workshop a week

  • Workshop Format: ZOOM and email

These workshop classes will develop student's basic writing skills enabling them to improve their in-class English, Social Studies and other written work. Also, they will create the writing foundation for students to progress to Graduate Literacy Assessment Examination (GLA) Workshop. Each two-hour workshop will begin with a one-hour lecture on brainstorming, the analytical, persuasive, narrative, comparative, synthesis essays, as well as summary and critique. Each lecture will explore structure, topic sentence development, and paragraph unity, as well as sentence structures and grammar.

Then, students will be given a one-hour tutorial designed to critique their writing strategies. During these tutorials, the instructor will review the student's written work, and give correction and suggestions. At the end of class, writing homework will be assigned. All homework will be graded and returned to the students.

Grade 11 Reading and Writing Workshop

Fall: September to June (10 months)

  • Grades: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

  • Instructor: Kim Gaines-Baran B.A. M.A. (SFU) ~ PhD exam (UBC)

  • Prerequisite: Students must have completed Basic Writing for enrolment

  • Workshop Schedule: One workshop a week

  • Workshop Format: ZOOM and email

These workshop classes will give students the contextual knowledge needed to understand Western Literature as well as reading and interpretative skills enabling them to advance their English grade toward an A. In each two-hour workshop, students will read the works of famous authors such as Virginia Wolf, James Joyce, Ernest Hemmingway and Margaret Atwood. Students will then discuss the work, and write a narrative essay for homework. All homework will be graded and returned to the students.

High School English Grade 12 Examination Workshop

Fall: September to May (9 months)

  • Grades: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

  • Prerequisite: Students must have completed Basic Writing and Grade 11 Reading and Writing for enrolment

  • Instructor: Kim Gaines-Baran B.A., MA. (SFU) ~PhD Exam (UBC)

  • Workshop Schedule: One workshop a week

  • Workshop Format: ZOOM and email

These workshop classes will develop students' understanding of literary interpretation and writing skills enabling them to improve their English grades and examination scores. Each two-hour workshop will begin with a lecture on the use of literary devices. Then, students will be given in-class writing exercises designed to improve their interpretation strategies. During these exercises, the instructor will circulate among the student's giving correction and suggestions. At the end of class, writing homework will be assigned. All homework will be graded and returned to the students.

Spring: June (1 month)

These workshop classes will sharpen students' examination skills by giving them practice and evaluation on their examination performance. In each three-hour workshop, students will take a previously held B.C. English Provincial Examination. The examinations will be graded by the instructor and suggestions for improvement will be given. At the end of class writing homework will be assigned.
